After a consultation with members of our Fan Court Community at the start of the year, the senior leadership team has agreed on ‘Stanmore’ as the new 5
th house name. Stanmore was chosen because, like our existing four Claremont Fan Court School house names, it represents a location rather than a building or person associated with our school. In the same vain as Norwood, the original location of Clear View School, Stanmore represents the early foundation of the pre-Fan Court school, when the support and generosity of others provided the time and space which allowed Fan Court to survive and ultimately to flourish.
Read more about Fan Court School and its foundation
Our inclusion of a 5
th house has come about as a result of developing the Senior School pastoral structure to ensure that pupil care remains central to school life as the school grows. In September 2020 the Senior School will be moving to a vertical tutoring system, whereby tutor groups will consist of small numbers of pupils from each school year. This will encourage our pupils to spend time with peers from different year groups, improve and consolidate peer to peer mentoring and will be more reflective of life outside of the school environment. Adding a new school house helps us to facilitate some additional pupils as well as ensuring our existing house tutor groups are not too large.